The purpose of the District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC), which consists of parents, teachers, and principals, is to advise the governing board. Duties are including, but not limited to the following:

  1. Reviews programs for students of Limited English Speaking as described in "School Plan for Consolidated Programs".

  2. The DELAC shall review the Consolidated Application and the chairperson shall sign off certifying that the DELAC has had an opportunity to provide input.

  3. The DELAC works to assure the partnership of active parent and community involvement.

The DELAC meets at least three times a year on Wednesdays (as scheduled) at 3:30 pm at the District Office Board Room.

If you have questions or would like to add an agenda item, please contact Loni Twisselman, Educational Services Secretary, at 805-462-4200.



Contact: Colleen Madson, Director of Curriculum