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Q: How do I enroll my child into school?
A: ​Parents/guardians must call or go to the school site directly, and the Secretary will assist them. Or they can enroll online through Aeries at the link below.​ If the schools are on winter/spring break, parents/guardians must wait until school resumes. 

Online Enrollment

Exception: During the summer months (late June - early August), parents/guardians may pick up enrollment packets from the District Office. However, they must hold onto the packets until the Secretaries return to their school sites, which is generally 1-2 weeks before school begins. For further details, ​please ​contact your zoned school or the District Office.


Q: How can I enroll an international student or foreign exchange student? 
A: Contact the Educational Services department: 805-462-4200 

Q: I want my child to go to ________ School instead of the assigned school he/she belongs to. How do I accomplish that? 
A: Go to your child's assigned school, and enroll the child there if you haven’t already done so. Then, request an Intra-district transfer form from their school site (it is pink). You should know the status of your request in two weeks or less. 

Q: What is the difference between an "intra" and an "inter" district transfer form? 
A: An intra-district transfer form is used when you want to remain the Atascadero District, but you want your child to switch to a different school. An inter-district transfer form is used when you want to move your child to another school district other than the one you belong to. 

Q: Where may I obtain an inter-district transfer form? 
A: Contact the District receptionist at 805-462-4200 or stop by the Atascadero Unified School District Office at 5601 West Mall, Atascadero, CA 93422. 

Q: How long does an inter-district transfer approval last? 
A: The longest it can last is five years. However, it depends on how long it was approved for. Some are approved for shorter periods of time. 


Q: What school is zoned for my home address? Or I just move to Atascadero. Which school would my child attend? 
A: See the 
School Boundary Map or contact the District Receptionist at 805-462-4200. 

  • If your child is in 7th – 12th grade, they can attend the Atascadero Junior High, Atascadero High School, Del Rio Continuation High School, West Mall Alternative 7-12, or Atascadero Fine Arts Academy (see note about Fine Arts below). 
  • If your child is a Kindergartener or Transitional Kindergartener, please read the next question. 

Q: When does a child need to turn 5 to be permitted into kindergarten? 
A: The child must be 5 years old on or before September 1st of the current school year to enter into kindergarten. 

Q: When does a child need to turn 5 to enter into Transitional Kindergarten? 
A: For the 2023-2024 school year the child must turn 5 between September 2nd and April 2nd.  For the 2024-2025 school year the child must turn 5 between September 2nd and June 2nd. 

Q: How do I know the rating of a school or the School Accountability Report Card (SARC) of a school?
A: Visit the AUSD web page
. Under Nursing Services department, AUSD Wellness Policy, the “School Accountability Report Cards” will be linked in this section. Click that link and select the school you are inquiring about. 

Q: How can I enroll my child into the Fine Arts Academy? 
A: Contact the Fine Arts Academy
at 805-460-2500. There is an enrollment period open from January to April 1st. The enrollment admittance is based on a lottery. Parents are still welcomed to enroll after April 1st, however, they may be put on a waiting list.

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